Thursday, July 7, 2011

Done and dusted...

 Make that done and listed.  The dress from the other day is complete and already in the shop.  I think it came out very well, if I do say so myself.  I have a thing for just the right shade of red and blue together and this dress totally fits the bill.

My friends might find it surprising that I've gone for a nautical theme.  What can I say?  It just seemed right.  And the best part?  I didn't even have to step foot on a boat.

Next on the agenda for today will be working on some hand carved stamps and making a few bundles of gift/greeting cards.  I have a tonne of wee scraps of fabric that are too small to be sewn but would look great glued to some card stock.  We'll see how they turn out.  If they are super awesome (like me), I'll be popping them in the shop.  If not so much, my friends and family might be getting wonky, handmade cards for awhile.  Made with love, of course!

In other crafting news, my good friend AC has recently announced on her blog that she will be taking over her mother's sewing machine this weekend.  I'm eagerly awaiting the results of her endeavours, which I fully expect will be geeky good times.  That's how she rolls.

Also exciting, my lovely Mum (who lives in a land Down Under) has sent me a gift certificate for the Fabricworm.  I suspect it's going to take me quite some time to pick out what I want.  So much goodness!  Fortunately, it is a grey and dreary day here in Vancouver.  A perfect day for spending hours curled up in front of the computer, cup of tea at the ready, scrolling through pages of fabric images.

Although, I did say I was going to work on those cards, didn't I?  Nevermind, the forecast for tomorrow is much the same.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hi Carolyn, thanks so much for the brooch swap goodies, they are gorgeous and totally made my day! I've popped a photo of them on my blog here:

Thanks again,
